
Locality Plumbing  Hot Water Systems – Which Is The Best Option For Me? 

Hot water systems are a necessity in all homes, but with the wide variety of options available and different types of hot water systems available – choosing a system that will work best for your home can be a daunting task. At Locality Plumbing our team are experts in all things hot water so we have compiled this short guide of the different types of hot water systems available to you. Hopefully this helps you understand what will be the best option for you and your family. If you are still in doubt feel free to give us a call at Locality Plumbing with any questions you have

Electric Storage 

Electric Storage hot water systems are used in 50% of australian homes. They are an increasingly popular option. They are a great affordable option for installing and purchasing, however unless they are run by a solar power system, they tend to be on the more expensive side to run. 

Instant Hot Water 

Instant Hot Water systems can be expensive to install and purchase but are incredibly energy efficient. They work by running water through heated copper pipes whenever hot water is needed, and therefore does not require a hot water storage tank. The copper pipes are typically heated by an electric heating element or a gas burner. 


Purchase and installation of Solar Hot Water systems can be on the more expensive end of the spectrum but are great if you live in sunny areas that get a lot of sun. Solar systems may also require a booster of electricity or gas. Solar Hot Water Systems typically are made up of a water storage tank, and solar panels or evacuated tubes. These systems are usually installed on the roof of your home, or at ground level outside. 

Heat Pump 

Heat Pump Systems can be expensive to install and purchase but are incredibly energy efficent to run – using only 30% of the energy it takes to run regular electric hot water systems. There are two main variations of Heat Pump hot water systems. The first being integrated with the tank and compressor combined. The second being split with the tank and compressor separate. 


Gas hot water systems can be on the more expensive end of hot water systems, with fairly expensive purchase, installation and running costs. They also need to be installed outside due to venting requirements. The most common type of Gas hot water system is called a continious flow system. 


The final thing to consider when deciding what hot water system is best for you is the government rebates available. Depending on where you live and what hot water system you decide on – you may be eligible for government rebates and assistance. This is due to current government incentives on renewable energy. Our team can talk you through these rebates in more detail. 

There are many different alternatives available when deciding which hot water system is best for you and your family, and it can be a very daunting task. Feel free to get in touch with our friendly and professional team at Locality Plumbing for more information. We are more than happy to answer any questions you have and explain your options in reference to your individual circumstances.

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