
7 Best Plumbing Tips For Every Season

Plumbing is simply sorting there for most people. We don’t consider it much when keeping the drains clear. But do we notice when it abruptly stops functioning or when we have a problem?

Dealing with plumbing issues is a complete drag. We’ve created this list of our top plumbing advice to help you avoid some of your worst pipe annoyances and blocked drains in Melbourne.

  1. Prevent pouring fat or oil down the drain

Have you ever overheard someone mention filling up or getting a “grease coat” from food? When you pour grease or oil down the drain, the same thing occurs when you eat greasy food. 

Oil and grease will accumulate. At first, you won’t notice it since you’ll assume it’s completely ok and that the appropriate place for it to go as a liquid is down the sink. But over time, the grease and oil will plug your pipes, giving you major plumbing issues.

Before you pour that boiling liquid down the drain, consider your pipes and choose a safer disposal method. For instance, let fat congeal completely before adding it to your compost. 

local plumber

  1. Use A Strainer

One of the most frequent plumbing issues is a clog, and because of hair and soap residue, a shower or sink drain can become filthy and unsightly.

Utilizing a basket strainer is the easiest way to avoid the nasty or search simple plumber in Melbourne.  By doing this, time-consuming and unpleasant activities in the future will be avoided.

  1. Take Care When Flushing

There are some items that should flush and others that should never be flushed. We believe you understand our meaning.

We assume you don’t want to deal with severe blockages if you start flushing stuff down the toilet besides toilet paper and human waste. That includes feminine hygiene items, cotton swabs, prescription drugs, and sad fish. 

  1. Be Aware of Your Main Water Valve’s Location

Although you don’t actively learn about plumbing, it’s still necessary to know where your main water valve is and what to do if there’s a problem.

Turning off your main water valve will help to lessen the damage if, knock on wood, your pipes burst. Your toilet’s flush valve seal is one area where you can discover a leak. The flush valve seal keeps water from flowing from the tank to the bowl while your toilet isn’t flushing. A quick test using food colouring is necessary to detect a leak in your flush valve seal early.

No, you didn’t get that wrong. Just a few drops of food colouring in your toilet tank will do. Return in a few of hours. You leak if some of the coloured water gets into your toilet bowl.

Wash Basin

  1. Ensure Accessibility to Your Main Sewer Drain

Although much of your plumbing is out of sight, your main sewage drain must always be open and unimpeded. This is because we must be able to act swiftly and effectively in the event of a sewage line obstruction.

Your drain access point should be visible (that is, free of carpets or carpeting) and simple to access; there shouldn’t be a maze of old toys for kids or Christmas decorations in the way.

  1. You might want to provide your fixtures with separate shut-off valves

It’s inevitable that your plumbing will ultimately need to be repaired. Without a doubt, you dread the day when you’ll have to turn off all of your water to allow for the job to be done.

We’ve got a workaround for it. The all-water or no-water issue will be resolved by installing separate shut-off valves on your fixtures since you can cut off the water to various areas of the house as needed. That way, you can still use the kitchen sink if there is an issue with your bathroom.

  1. Steer clear of chemical drain cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners are terrible for the condition and longevity of your plumbing. They are touted as being quickly effective, so people often choose them, but they can cause greater long-term harm.

It utilises naturally occurring bacteria that break down organic materials without endangering the interior of your pipes. Rather than chemical drain cleaners, you can choose hot water repairs in Melbourne

Despite all your precautions, your plumbing will eventually deteriorate like everything else. When things get challenging, we are here to help. We handle everything from plumbing repairs to complete or partial replacements and everything in between. We guarantee that we’ll complete every task and do it well.

If you want to clear blocked drains in Melbourne, you can visit our website, fill out the form or call us at 1300777877!

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