
Here’s All You Need to Know about Commercial Plumbing

Commercial plumbing is more than just repairing and installing faucets and pipes. Commercial plumbing also includes the installation and upkeep of general waste removal and water supply systems for businesses and large industrial sites.

Commercial plumbers in Melbourne install bathrooms, kitchens, sewers, sprinklers, drinking fountains, and water lines. Commercial plumbing maintenance includes mending broken sewer lines and repairing pipes and water lines.

Continue reading to find out everything there is to know about commercial plumbing.

What Is The Difference Between Commercial and Residential Plumbing?

Plumbing services are classified into commercial and residential plumbing. Commercial and residential plumbing problems are nearly identical, such as a burst or broken pipes and leaking toilets.

Commercial Plumbing

This plumbing service is provided in commercial settings such as multi-purpose buildings, high-rise offices, strip malls, hospitals, and warehouses. Some larger condominiums and apartment complexes are also classified as commercial centers.

Commercial plumbing entails dealing with more complex systems, larger pipes, and, sometimes, operations with specific open hours.

Residential Plumbing

Plumbing services are provided for semi-detached townhouses, single-family homes, condominium complexes, and smaller apartments.

Residential plumbing is often not as difficult as commercial plumbing, depending on the layout and systems of the home; in country towns, I can always find experienced residential plumbers nearby, but commercial plumbers may be more difficult to find.


Key Differences between Commercial Plumbing and Residential Plumbing

The Risk Level

Commercial plumbers in Melbourne, Sydney, and other parts of Australia will be familiar with repairing higher-risk damage in commercial buildings. A broken pipe that affects more than ten commercial building floors can be disastrous to various offices and establishments.

Plumbing must adhere to strict codes and healthcare regulations in beverage and food establishments and restaurants. They specialize in residential and commercial plumbing, replacing old furnaces, water boilers, and heaters with newer, more functional models.

The Complexity of Building Structure

Unlike the massive and complicated system of a commercial building, residential plumbing is easier to navigate. Several sinks and toilets are used in commercial businesses and buildings with multiple floors daily. Another factor to consider is water pressure, which is especially important in high-rise buildings.

Commercial plumbers are educated and know how to handle this complex plumbing arrangement.

The Size

When comparing commercial and residential plumbing jobs, size matters. Commercial plumbing jobs are more extensive than residential plumbing jobs. It refers to large properties such as businesses, apartments, complexes, or shopping malls. These structures fall under the category of commercial plumbing services.

Commercial properties, unlike residential properties, require different pipe systems. Whatever goes wrong in a commercial property can affect the entire structure and those who occupy it. On the other hand, the damage in residential properties is limited to the affected house.

In comparison, residential properties require fewer outlets and piping. Unlike commercial plumbing repairs, residential plumbing and repairs can be completed faster and with fewer occupants.

Plumbing Codes

Even though all plumbers must be licensed, there may be differences in plumbing codes between commercial and residential properties. Plumbing work not completed by a licensed or certified plumber must be redone by an accredited plumber, which may incur a high cost.

If you use certified plumbers for your commercial plumbing and something goes wrong with their plumbing code, they could face serious penalties, including having to correct the commercial plumbing issues.

Plumbing Issues

Running toilets, leaky fixtures or faucets, and other common issues will arise in residential plumbing systems. Similar issues may arise in commercial plumbing, albeit on a larger scale. To perform any commercial plumbing repair, commercial plumbing contractors must be experienced.

Whatever commercial plumbing issues are overlooked, they can greatly impact many occupants and cost a significant amount of money to repair.

The main distinction between residential and commercial plumbing is the amount of work that must be done. Furthermore, the skill set required for residential and commercial plumbing services may vary. As a result, finding a company suitable for your specific plumbing services is critical.

local plumber

How to Become a Commercial Plumber in Australia?

Employment in the Australian plumbing industry has grown steadily across the country, making the industry both interesting and diverse.

When you have the level of commercial plumbing education and experience, there are several opportunities to get work and advance your career. It takes a long time to become a commercial plumber in Australia. To become a commercial plumber, you must first serve as an apprentice with a certified expert before enrolling in a formal training program such as Certificate III.

Whether you are pursuing a full-time or part-time program, completing your training as a commercial plumber will take three to four years. Nothing excites customers more than a licensed master commercial plumber in Australia. Certified master commercial plumbers understand their trade and can handle even the most difficult plumbing jobs.

There are numerous plumbing classes to attend if you want to improve your skills. Find your niche or area of expertise to advance your commercial plumbing career. You might enjoy working as a commercial plumber in Australia for a specialized plumbing company and dealing with large commercial plumbing projects.

Whatever path you choose, the more experience you gain and your qualifications, your job prospects will be better.


Commercial plumbing entails performing slightly different plumbing tasks than residential plumbing. The fact remains that residential plumbers cannot handle certain plumbing projects due to a lack of expertise.

The scope and extent of the commercial plumbing task differ significantly from residential plumbing. A commercial plumber is best suited for working on-site sewer lines, large boilers, industrial equipment plumbing, and lift stations.

Commercial plumbing can be done anytime, whereas residential plumbing is typically an 8-hour job (excluding emergencies) done five days a week.

If you want hot water repairs in Melbourne, you can visit our website or call us at 1300777877!

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