
Common Signs of Blocked Drains in Your Home

There are all sorts of problems that can cause a lot of issues and damage in your home, one of the common ones is a blocked drain. When you get blocked drains, you need to take swift action because the problem can otherwise spiral out of control very quickly. Before you know it, you could be looking at a full-scale flood in your home, so the quicker you act to get the issue resolved, the better it will be.

Of course, in order to get your blocked drains looked at, you first need to know some of the common signs associated with this problem. This then enables you to get an idea of if and when your drained become blocked, at which point you can call out a plumbing professional to take a look. Remember, the sooner you get this type of work carried out, the less likely the chance of serious damage, so being proactive is vital. In this article, we will look at some of the common signs of blocked drains in your home.

Some of the Signs to Look For

There are various signs that could indicate you have blocked drains, and if you notice any or a combination of these signs, it is important to contact a plumber sooner rather than later. Some of the signs you may notice are:

Bad Smells

One very common sign of blocked drains is when bad smells start to emerge. If you suddenly start to notice a lingering unpleasant odour that doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, it could be down to your drains being clogged up. This could be a combination of food stuff and other debris that is blocking up the drains, the smell from this will gradually get worse and more overpowering. The debris trapped in the drain begins to decompose, and the smell continues to get worse. You may notice the smell when you turn on the tap. If so, speak to a plumbing professional.

Water Struggling to Drain

Another common sign that your drains are well and truly blocked is if the water struggled to drain. As many people will know from experience, it can be very frustrating to stand there are watch water just sitting there and not disappearing. However, frustration is the least of the issues when this happens, as the chances are that the drains are blocked, and they require attention. So, if you notice your water is not draining properly, call on the experts for help.

Water Rising

When you have a problem with blocked drains, you may also notice that the water starts to rise more than it normally does when you flush the toilet. You may even experience issues where it comes to the top of the bowl before flushing, or it comes to the top of the bowl and then sits there without going down at all. Naturally, this can be a very unpleasant situation that you want to avoid. So, it is important to speak to plumbing experts as soon as possible if you notice this happening.

Suspicious Noises

Another of the things you should look out for – or listen out for on this occasion – is suspicious noises such as gurgling sounds. This may be accompanied by bubbling as the water tried to drain but is unable to do so because of the blockage.

Let Us Deal with Your Blocked Drains

If you believe you may have blocked drains, you should get the issue addressed as soon as possible. To get this done with speed and efficiency, turn to the team at Locality Plumbing and we will be happy to assist.

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